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Award to the Tomato Industrial Museum – chimneys

In the context of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and the campaign to save the Historic Industrial Chimney, a pan-European competition was organized in May 2018 on the theme “Chimneys of Europe and the Ode of Joy”.

Greece was represented by the Tomato Industrial Museum “D. Nomikos” and the Santorini Arts Factory, with five different videos of the chimneys of the old Tomato Factories in Santorini. The first prize went to the Tomato Industrial Museum “D.Nomikos” and our video about the Santo factory. We sincerely thank the director Nikos Korakakis, the archaeologist Lefteris Zorzos, as well as all the artists for their voluntary participation!

You can see the material: – Tomato Industrial Museum “D.Nomikos” –

Santo Game Products Factory :