‘The children meet Henri Matisse and create a collage’
Santorini Arts Factory invites children, from Primary School, who love visual arts to participate in the third workshop.
The third from a cycle of six workshops aims at the childrens’ acquaintance and familiarization with contemporary art, and in particular the technique of collage.
The children will meet Henri Matisse and his work through projected visual aids. An open discussion will follow, putting emphasis on the artist’s basic forms, motifs and depictions such as human figures, birds, fish, nature, etc.
Organizers and Facilitators: Maria Vasariotou – Art historian – Curator
Eleni Palle – Artistic therapist
Saturday 7 February 2015 Sunday 8 February 2015
For children in 4th-5th-6th grade For children in 1st-2nd-3rd grade
Time: 1st group 16.00-17.30 arrival time 15.45 Time: 1st group 10.30-12.00 arrival time 10.15
Time: 2nd group 18.00-19.30 arrival time 17.45 Time: 2nd group 12.30-14.00 arrival time 12.15
Maximum number of participation per workshop: 15 people
Cost of participation per workshop: 6€
The limited number of attendance makes it impossible for children to participate at the workshop without the timely submission of participation beforehand.
We warmly thank Delendas company for its support.
T: 6971 828108, E: info@tomatomuseum.gr W: www.tomatomuseum.gr