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Educational Workshops

Giving voice to my body – Musics of the world

Giving my body a voice – world music

Experiential workshop based on vocals and rhythm for children aged 5- 12.

This year ‘s journey is focused on world music. We ll discover songs and beats from the four cornes of the eart, sparking new  vocal and rhythmical adventures. We ll play games, practice rhythm and body movement using a variety of objects, we ll dance, do polyphonic exercises and attempt choral improvisation – and that ‘s just a taster of what in store as we sing in different languages. The goal of this workshop is to entertain and teach children to interact with each other as they develop their innate vocal and rhythmic abilities. Their imagination and their creativity. Our ultimate goal is to teach them to love and respect musical traditions from all over the world.

Saturday and Sunday
November 19 & 20
December 3 & 4
January 21 & 22
February 11 & 12
March 4 & 5
April 1 & 2
May 6 & 7

Children of grades A, B, C 16.00-17.30
Children of classes A, B, C of Primary School 10.30-12.00
Children of classes D, E, C of Primary School 18.00-19.30
Children of classes D, E, C of Primary School 12.30-14.00


Participation is free and is ensured by the timely telephone communication of the parent at 22860 85141 Daily 10.00-16.00 except Monday and Tuesday.
Up to 20 children per section. First come first served.
Workshop coordinators: Stella Chronaiou, Irini Charitaki