Musical and pedagogical workshop for young children (4-8) with their parents.
This program is aimed at children (4-8 years old) and their parents, so that together we can enjoy music, share feelings and chat.
It is no coincidence that we use the verb “to play” for music. So this first approach of children to music will move around the game, the musical game and through this the children’s musicality, the joy of cooperation and creative thinking will emerge. Movement, speech, musical instruments will be our supplies for this journey.
Seminar leader Michalis Tobler
Dates: Saturdays 16:30-18:30
November 10,
December 15,
January 26,
February 23,
March 30,
April 20.
Participation fee: €5/child, €3/parent
No prior knowledge of music is required to participate in the workshop. It is good for the participants to wear comfortable clothes and if they wish to bring a small instrument.
The number of participants in each class is limited. Participation is ensured by the timely telephone contact of the parent 2286085141.
Michalis Tombler was born in Athens in 1956. He attended music studies and music education workshops. He has worked at all levels of education. He has been dealing with special education and therapy since 1992, “leading” musical programs with children and adults with special needs. At the same time, he coordinates and plays in the music group “ICHO N ICHO”. He teaches in the post-graduate program of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has collaborated with the following frameworks and institutions: Children’s art education area, Attica Psychiatric Hospital, Hellenic Society of Artistic Programs for People with Special Needs “Very Special Arts Hellas”, Society for the Protection of Spastics, National Deaf Foundation, Center for Special Vocational Education, Theotokos Foundation , Sikiaridion Foundation, Hellenic Center for Child and Family Health and Treatment “To Perivolaki”, “Iliachtida” Recovery-Rehabilitation Center. He has translated music-pedagogical books and has written the books “SOUNDS – GOALS – SOUNDS” (Music in Special Education and Therapy), “RHINOCEROS AGAINST ELEPHANTS” and “MUSIC” for Orpheus publications – M. Nicolaidis Music House. He has translated:
(2009) Wiertsema, Huberta, 100 games with movement, Nikolaidis M. – Edition Orpheus [edited, translated]
(2000) Ward, David, Music Therapy, Nikolaidis M. – Edition Orpheus [edited, translated]
(1996) Storms, Ger, 100 musical games, Nikolaidis M. – Edition Orpheus [edited, translated]
(1990) Meyer – Denkmann, Gerttrud, Experiments in Sound, Nikolaidis M. – Edition Orpheus [translation, editing]
(1990) Piano playtime book one, Nikolaidis M. – Edition Orpheus [lyrics]