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Educational Workshops

Meeting Greek Painters – opi zouni

The Tomato Industrial Museum and the Santorini Arts Factory invite you to the last workshop of this year.

Opi Zouni and her work are the theme we will explore this weekend!

Opi Zouni was born in Egypt and at the age of 22 she moved to Athens. Her family came from Crete and Santorini. In Cairo she had her first contacts with painting, pottery and photography. With her arrival in Greece, she studied Fine Arts continuing her studies in stage design and decoration.

Her artwork is rich in paintings and sculptures, collages and installations.

She was concerned with the study of geometry, mathematics, but also how those are related to spirituality, emotion and expression of art. She has created many two-dimensional and three-dimensional environments with strong geometric and color features that made the work distinct and recognizable.

This weekend we experiment with geometric shapes and colors by creating our own colorful and multi-level landscapes.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students 16.00-17.30

1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students  10.30-12.00
4th 5th and 6th grade students 12.30 – 14.00

Up to 20 children per department. First come first served.
Workshop Coordinators: Eleni Palle, Lydia Karagiannidis