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Educational Workshops

When Music meets Special Education

During the educational activities of the Tomato Industrial Museum and the Santorini Arts Factory, meetings are organized by the teacher Michalis Tobler with special education children on Saturdays

February 10,
March 3 ,
March 31

Hours 12.00- 13.00

The beneficial effect of music on symmetrical human development has been known by the early 18th century and since then, many museum-educational studies have been made about musical intelligence and how it works.These museum-pedagogical approaches utilize the slightest kinetic and sound detail expressed by the child and thus steadily, the evolution of organized noises and sounds are transformed into a musical vocabulary since gradually the movements and expressions are identified with sound facts.

In addition to the channels of non-verbal communication and interpersonal communication created by museum-pedagogical methods, stress levels are reduced and feelings of satisfaction are enhanced.

It is not a few times that the selected sound stimuli, according to the needs of each child, have stimulated his curiosity, have increased his time of attention and concentration and have helped him to externalize his emotions.


Workshop supervisor: Michael Tobber

Participation is free of charge and is ensured by early parental phone communication.
Tomato Industrial Museum, Santorini Arts Factory 2286085141, Tuesday to Sunday 10: 00-16: 00


Michalis Tombler was born in Athens in 1956. He attended music studies and music and pedagogical workshops. He has worked at all levels of education. With special treatment and cure he has been working since 1992 to “lead” music programs with children and adults with special needs. At the same time he coordinates and plays in the musical band “ECO N ECO”. He teaches the postgraduate program of the Department of the Early Childhood Education in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, He has collaborated with the following frameworks and institutions: Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, Hellenic Society for Special Needs Education “Very Special Arts Hellas”, Cerebral Palsy Greece, National Deaf Foundation, Center for Specialized Vocational Training, Theotokos Foundation, Sikiarides Foundation, Hellenic Center for the Health and Therapy of the Child and the Family “The Perivolaki”, “Sunrise” Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Center.