Opening Saturday, 4th June 2016, 20:00, Vlychada Santorini
This summer, the Greek-Dutch contemporary art festival ORANGE WATER, presents two group exhibitions in Santorini Arts Factory, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Netherlands Embassy.
The exhibitions will include painting, sculpture, videos and installations from major Greek, Dutch and international visual artists.
In the first exhibition, from 4 June to 1 August, works of ORANGE WATER 1 of 2015 will be presented, with the title “Landscape of Memory”.
Participating artists: Eozen Agopian, Panos Archolekas, Ad Arma, Lina Bebi, Anutosh, Peter Heij, Dimitris Karatzas, Paulien Lethen, Panos Mitsopoulos, Bert van Santen, Kyriakos Mortarakos, Jan Mulder, Gert van Oortmerseen, Nikos Papadimitriou, Barbara de Vires, Spiridoula Politi, Henk Puts, Maria Shina, John Sikking, Angelos Skourtis, Par Stromberg, Kostas Tsolis, Apostolos Fanakidis, Iris Zoric.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday 4 June at 20:00 and will be accompanied by a concert by Angelika Dusk and her band.
In the second exhibition, from 6 August to 30 September, works of ORANGE WATER 2 will be presented, with the title “Fata Morgana”.
Participating artists: Katonas Asimis, Eef de Graaf, Giorgos Gyparakais, Frans Horbach, Dimisthenis Davettas, Eleni Zouni, Marigo Kassi, Melina Kachrimani, Pelagia Kyriazi, Christos Kotsoulas, Franceska Lai, Frank Lenferink, Kyriakos Mortarakos, Jan Mulder, Nieuwold Anja, Eva Petric, Lila Polenaki, Spyridoula Politi, Henk Puts, Bert van Santen, Walter Simon, Giota Skarveli, Maria Schina, Apostolos Fanakidis, Digna Weiss, Ruud Venekamp, Barbara de Vries.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday 6 August at 20:00.
Entrance is free throughout the exhibitions.