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Erotokritos by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Hainides and the “And yet it moves” team (dance/acrobatics) recommend an interpretation of Erotokritos that differs from the usual.
A musical performance, a cross between singing and narrating, that has shaped musical tradition in such an absolute way, and has moved whole generations. Its revolutionary faith for the man that changes his fate, the deep dialectic in the way the characters express themselves, its musical and literary form, are all emotionally stirring in the present.

Lyre: Dimitris Apostolakis
Song – guitar: Dimitris Zaharioudakis
Song: Spiridoula Mpaka
Percussion: Takis Kanellos
Electric guitar: Kleon Antoniou
Lute, mandolin: Mixalis Nikopoulos
Saxophone: Rellos Thodoris
Bass guitar: Giannis Nonis

And yet it moves
Dimas Vasilis
Makatsoris Christoforos
Ioanna Paraskevopoulou
Christina Sougioultzi
Xamilothori Lia
Alexandros Laskaratos
Antigoni Linardou

Light engineer: Bentancor Camilo
Stage dancing: And yet it moves
Sound-recording: Sakis Gkikas