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Every traveller takes a souvenir home with them, it is almost impossible to return from a journey without one. Most take photographs, the more romantic ones buy postal cards, and the forgetful ones leave a train stub in their pocket. We all have the need to keep a memory, something to remind us where we travelled, and left our own individual mark. This inner need drove Petros Klampanis to create his new video project titled “Rooftop Stories”. Here, memories are created based on the melody that each city whispers to us. In order to embrace this melody, we have to climb somewhere high, where the urban noise resembles a song.

Petros Klampanis climbed on the roofs of cities that hold a particular interest to him (Athens, Havana, London, Nagasaki, Barcelona) to record his own “Rooftop Stories”. He plans to presents these stories live in a solo concert at the Santorini Arts Factory, on Saturday the 28th of July.

Contrabass, loops, percussion, and vocals, will compose a journey of sound through cities and favourite melodies, that we will meet again, but through the perspective of Petros Klampanis.