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Workshop of traditional Wicker Basketweaving at the Tomato Industrial Museum

The Tomato Industrial Museum “D. Nomikos” invites you to the workshop of traditional Wicker Basketweaving, in the context of the cultural heritage days.
This year’s theme, “Cultural Heritage and Tradition”, concerns practices and skills that have been passed down from generation to generation and still exist today.
This is our intangible cultural heritage, knowledge that has been passed down and deserves to be protected and preserved.
Basket weaving on our island has a long history. From the charred baskets in Complex D of the prehistoric Akrotiri to the baskets used until recently by farmers to transport our own tomato.
Be part of this workshop in order to learn the secrets of basket weaving from Giannis Massas, head of the workshop, son of a basket maker.
Anyone who is interested can also help in collecting the wicker.
Participation in the workshop is free.
You will need to bring garden gloves and a good mood!!
Basket weaving workshop Saturday, Sept. 16 at 6:00 p.m
Wicker collection Saturday, Sept. 16 at 4:00 p.m
Registrations until Friday, Sept. 15 at 2286085141