The SAF presents Bioluminescence – BIOMIMICRY “Into the Light”, a video art production by Manolis Anastasakos, artistic director of the 1st BIO ART FESTIVAL, organized by Biomimicry Greece Research & Innovation. “While sailing in these latitudes on one very dark night, the sea presented a wonderful and most beautiful spectacle. There was a fresh breeze, […]
The Tomato Industrial Museum “D. Nomikos” in collaboration with Santorini Arts Factory-SAF cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition T-FACTORY by artistic photographer Christophoros Doulgeris, on Monday, June 18, at 20:00, at SAF’s exhibition hall in Vlychada, Santorini. The exhibition will display recent works by Doulgeris, comprising a photo series depicting machinery and […]
The logic of image
The logic of image
20:00 Flayways Stefaan van Biesen, Geert Vermeire, Dr Simona Vermeire Exhibition: photographs/ drawings-video-soundscapes installation: geolocalised 3D sound walk (indoors/outdoors) Artistic interpretations intending to polarize esthetical and scientific meanings about the patterns created by dragonflies between water, earth and sky. In fact, the iridescence and ethereal motion reflected on the wings of the dragonfly becomes, in […]
The logic of image
The logic of image
18:30 Spatial sketching a SonicPlanet sound walking workshop, related to the art project Flyways Spatial sketching involves the creation of a sound walk providing the composition of 3D soundscapes through body movement. We explore the practice of the Spaziergangwissenschaft / promenadology. Walking becomes, more than just aesthetical or scientific, in our approach, a quality of […]